Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Voices of Doom in the Cold

Dr. Sanity recently posted an intriguing analysis in which she makes the case that the mainstream media has achieved the functional equivalence of those “evil voices” mentally ill patients hear inside their heads.
Command Hallucinations: The American public is hearing voices. And like auditory hallucinations experienced by psychiatric patients, these voices whisper continual doom and gloom. … It is very rare for such voices to say anything at all positive. They have a specific goal--and that goal is the distortion of reality. … So why do patients believe them? … we rely on the media in the same way we rely on our own senses to provide us with the information necessary to make decisions and judgements in the real world. The MSM has become those evil voices inside our head.
The world has significantly changed and the information age is a true radical departure from the immediate past. The internet nineties unleashed a magnitude of facts, photos, opinions and theories that is simply too much for personal perception to individually analyze. The reality is that the American public has always depended upon private news to make sense of the larger world since before the Revolution, and it is probably correct to say that Benjamin Franklins’ printing press enabled the American experiment. The objectivity of mass media has always been false façade, only now the propaganda stream never stops.

Perception is reality. A plausible lie will be believed. A plausible lie repeated over and over becomes a false truth. Even Fox News has been sucked into running stories about dangerous global warming.
Deadly Effects of US Heat Waves Predicted Leading computer models show continued warming for at least several decades, even if greenhouse gas emissions are curbed, with only wild schemes proposed to put the brakes on.
The source of the deadly ‘predictions’ is a computer model programmed at a Harvard Environmentalist Center and based on the premise that human activity can significantly increase the total energy in the atmosphere beyond any historical and physical precedents. It is 20 degrees outside and getting colder, which makes this a good moment to remember the challenge for life on the surface of a rock in cold space is to retain heat. The ability to delay the inevitable loss of the sunshine warmth is one big reason life exists on Earth and not on the Moon.