Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Sturgeon Party Invite

In Wisconsin, if summer happens on weekend we have a picnic. If summer happens on a Tuesday we have a four hour afternoon Sturgeon Party. There will be free eats at the open house for the brand new state-of-the-art fish factory.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Friends of the Upper Mississippi Fisheries Services invite the public to an open house and celebration on August 9 to dedicate a new lake sturgeon production building at the Genoa National Fish Hatchery in Genoa, Wis.

The hatchery’s new lake sturgeon building features state-of-the-art sturgeon culture systems that will allow over 30,000 sturgeon fingerlings per year to be released into four different restoration areas, including Menominee Tribal waters in Wisconsin and White Earth Tribal waters in Minnesota.
Minnesota doesn’t have our sturgeon production capacity and the Illinois fish production industry is so lame the FISHTAB’s keep clogging up our scenic highways. Genoa’s new high volume facility will keep Wisconsin the leader in the Lake Sturgeon industry and provide careers for those individuals up to the challenges of fish breeding.
Each spring, wild broodstock are collected using large dipnets along known sturgeon spawning habitat. Females are gently stripped of their eggs and males are milked for their milt on the riverbank. The eggs are fertilized, stripped of their adhesive coating, and brought back to the station and placed in egg jars to begin their early life cycle.