For better, but most likely for worse, Democrat Jim Doyle is sworn in for a second term as Governor. He immediately announces his intention to change the healthcare economy in Wisconsin. His slogan, "One Wisconsin, One Future" sure sounds like my way or the highway and that’s not a recipe for expanded freedoms. The starting point seems to be establishing Medicare for kids.
Inaugural Address: We may not always agree on everything, but as a first step, let’s agree on this: in Wisconsin, every child should have access to affordable, comprehensive health care.
The push will be to reinvent the wheel but fortunately reform does not start from scratch. American healthcare services are very good and there are practical constraints on any universal healthcare proposal.
Jane Galt: 1) It cannot provide less, or less rapid, coverage than the typical American policy does now. 2) It cannot substantially lower the wages of medical workers. 3) It cannot ration end-of-life care. 4) It will not cover immigrants, at least not until they are citizens.
Friedrich Hayek on Universal Health Care: Health care cannot really be quantified and thereby presents peculiar problems which must be understood. … He’s arguing that if you agree that even marginal improvement, no matter how small, is “good” (“no objective standard”) then there is no limit as to how much you can spend for marginal improvement. Without an objective standard for making judgments as to how much care and effort are enough care and effort, the want is infinite.
“The problems raised by a free health service are made even more difficult by the fact that the progress of medicine tends to increase its efforts not mainly toward restoring working capacity but toward the alleviation of suffering and the prolongation of life; these, of course, cannot be justified on economic but only on humanitarian grounds.