Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Very Winter Autumn Day

On an autumn day Channel 27 describes as “very winter-like with temperatures in the 30s, wind chills in the 20s, and scattered snow showers”, the Wisconsin State Journal runs their version of local investigative reporting called global warming is changing our state. My favorite line is this: “One of the confusing things about climate change is that some species suffer while others benefit”. Exactly.

The reporting takes five independent small studies and wants to offer them as evidence for a theory of unnatural climate change. The data on 150 years of lake ice melting is a favorite of the end of the world alarmists, and completely ignores the point that several thousand years ago the ice over those spots was continually hundreds of feet thick. It was glacier time in the future home of environmentalist central and it is “a profoundly altered world” since then. There ain’t no status quo in nature so evidence of slight changes is evidence that life is normal.