Saturday, September 23, 2006

UW Law School Hosts Chavez Crony

There are conflicting opinions in America about if we have real enemies or not.

Venezuela, Iran initial 29 agreements: "Welcome to Venezuela, where Iran is loved. We welcome a remarkable leader - the leader of a heroic people and a revolution friendly to the Venezuelan revolution: the Islamic revolution," said President Hugo Chávez Sunday noon when welcoming his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the Simón Bolívar International Airport.

The alliance between Iran and Venezuela has been cemented. The hostility of the religious dictatorship of Iran towards America has been well known since the day Democratic President Jimmy Carter decided to allow the Islamic revolution. The hostility of the socialist dictatorship of Hugo Chavez is apparent to anyone paying attention.

July 30, 2006: “Let's save the human race, let's finish off the U.S. empire," Chavez said. "This (task) must be assumed with strength by the majority of the peoples of the world."

It is against this background that the Law School of the University of Wisconsin has invited an agent of Hugo Chavez and given him a stage and an audience.

Local Democracy: This Autumn, September 28 through October 1, gather with community organizers and pro-democracy activists in beautiful Madison, Wisconsin, to share and learn from these and other important democratic successes.

Juan Barreto, the Mayor of Caracas, Venezuela will be in Madison to stand along side Madison Common Council President Austin King, and discuss ways to counteract American influence on the rest of the world. The sponsors include UW Madison Havens Center and Madison based Liberty Tree Foundation. A bit of background on the keynote speaker:
Juan Barreto: The mayor of Caracas, a man by the name of Juan Barreto, recently exploded out of control on TV, insulting his colleagues in a Stalinist-type of demonstration that left viewers horrified. … The exercise of government, in Chávez's Venezuela, has been converted in a competition among gangsters, to see who are the most corrupt, the most uncivilized, and the most destructive.
Madison is a nuclear free zone so please leave all atomic bombs at home.