Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What should America do?

The nuclear chess game heats up and the DANEgerous Roundup of articles is worth review, especially this tidbit. “This morning, Germany agreed to sell Israel some new submarines and to finance part of the purchase price. The new submarines can stay under water far longer than Israel's existing subs, and can deliver missiles with nuclear warheads.” Since everyone is brainstorming I thought I too would release of few rough and unpolished thoughts.

What should America do?

1. Pull all United States Troops out of Europe and tell Europe they are on their own to deal with their future. If the left believes our troops aren’t needed in the violent parts of the world, they certainly aren’t needed in happy peaceful little welfare states.

2. Give Iran a training bomb. Something really big with motion detectors, GPS sensors and most importantly, dual controls like any state of the art training vehicle. The Mullahs can then have their pride of ownership but if they get dangerous, then we take back control.

3. Give one to Saudi Arabia too. Maybe they can build a shrine around it and make even more money off the tourists.

4. Declare any advocacy of Jihad a hate crime and designate any words written or spoken in support of Jihad an explicit exception to 1st Amendment free speech. Prosecute and incarcerate violators.

5. Have Condi Rice authorize the Sierra Club to make official trips to Moscow and Beijing with a PowerPoint presentation about how atmospheric radioactivity doesn’t stop at political borders. Allow them discuss how carbon dioxide has the potential to burn up the planet.

6. Have the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association update and revise all literature about the dangers of second hand smoke to include the dangers of second hand radiation.

7. Have the Department of Education revise approved lessons plans so that instruction emphasizes the importance of wind sails and ox carts to pre-industrial economies and the self esteem that comes from raising your own food.

8. Quit whining about the lessons of the 1930’s. The marketplace of free ideas has effectively said “no thanks” and the customer is always right.

9. Immediately release grant funding for non-electric blogging research.

10. Update the Endangered Species List to bring it in line with reality.