Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Militant Islam Wants War

Militant Islam wants war. The Islam of Jihad, the conquest and conversion for the faith, wants war. Israel is attacked in the south by Hamas and in the north by Hizbullah. The Jerusalem Post has details and analysis.
Editorial: War and Peace: It is inconceivable that Hizbullah would carry out such attacks without the knowledge and acquiescence of the Iranian and Syrian governments, on which it is deeply dependent. … Defending Israel requires both military and diplomatic action. Hizbullah and Hamas must be dealt direct, heavy blows from which they will not quickly recover.

Editorial: Stop Iran Now: Yesterday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was clear enough: "In the face of the venomous campaign of malicious people, we'll not step back one iota... the Iranian people are standing tall on their way to access their full rights and complete use of the nuclear fuel cycle."
The provocation is undeniable and those who believe that mutual understanding will make violence simply go away, simply don’t understand.