Thursday, July 20, 2006

Campaign Financing Outrage - District 8

2006 congressional election gamesmanship is gearing up as the autumn elections approach. The Democrats desperately want to capture control of at least one branch of congress and Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District is one of the few seats in serious competitive play. It is against this background that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee bestows upon candidate John Gard, The Rubber Stamp Republican Award.

The contemptible behavior charges against the current State Assembly Leader include the following damnable transgression:

Gard Took More Out-Of-District Donations Than Any Other Candidate. According to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. In his first year as Assembly Speaker, John Gard raised more large individual contributions from powerful special interests outside of his Assembly District than any previous candidate for the Legislature.

Look, look, look!!! The foul stench of out of area money covers John Gard.

How then do the Democrats spin the following hard numbers from this specific local campaign? Courtesy of Open Secrets, July 10th, 2006 data for WI District 8: In State vs. Out of State Contributions.

John Gard (R) - 93% In State and 7% Out of State contributions.

Terri McCormick (R) - 93% In State and 7% Out of State contributions.

Steven Kagen (D) - 75% In State and 25% Out of State contributions.

Jamie Wall (D) - 54% In State and 46% Out of State contributions.

Money from outside of Wisconsin is trying to buy this congressional seat. Just to verify this is not a freakish aberration, please note that Madison’s own Liberal Democrat Tammy Baldwin is happily accepting 24% of her cash from California and Massachusetts.