Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Libertarians Get No Respect

Perhaps following some epiphany moment, Rolf Lindgren is complaining that Wisconsin Libertarians are not being taken seriously by the major parties.
Wisconsin Libertarian Ben Masel, running for U.S. Senate as a Democrat, was promised a chance to speak at the democratic party state convention. This was a primary reason for running as a democrat, as Ben could address all the democrats about medical marijuana and other related topics. The Democrats reneged.

Another Wisconsin Libertarian Dave Redick said he was running as a Republican for U.S. Senate so he could get more news coverage. However, Dave is not getting any news coverage now and will get none after he loses the primary. Nor did he get to speak at the Republican convention last month.
A third party that turns out a consistently large block of votes will get political attention. Votes are how the game keeps score. Trying to get the big boys to respect you simply on issues is simply not going to happen.