Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Democratic Plan for Ruling America

The current composition of the Democratic Party makes their leadership my enemy. This has nothing to do with violence, but rather with the understanding that achieving their goals requires a price I am unwilling to pay in terms of personal liberty. The people to fear are not the moonbats and the adrenaline liberals. The people to fear are the ones with money, votes and detailed plans for government control of the population.

The real test of American political will is not until the 2008 free for all Presidential election. Do not believe talk from the left or the right about the Democrats not having a plan. The plan is called New Energy for States and this 50 page PDF files outlines the issues and solutions the Socialist Democrats intend to pursue.

Success depends on selling the absolutely false myth of catastrophic androgenic global warming, combined with our real challenge of energy supply and distribution. Infusing all policy goals is the open desire to seize government for the purpose of controlling America’s prosperity and security.
(Page 5 Introduction) The United States faces an energy crisis, and an amazing energy opportunity. The crisis is our current dependence on an outmoded fossil-fuel energy system. This is simultaneously speeding environmental degradation, missing economic opportunity, and making our country less secure. The opportunity is that we have the natural resources, technical ingenuity, and manufacturing and other capacity needed to achieve, relatively quickly, far cleaner energy generation and far greater energy efficiency. Seizing that opportunity would have enormous benefits to our quality of life, our national security, and our prosperity. It will also help save the planet from the mounting threat of global warming.
Government control of profit.
(Page 10) This regulatory approach — called “decoupling” — indexes retail rates to sales volume. If volume drops because of energy conservation, rates are adjusted upwards. If volume increases and the increase was preventable, rates are adjusted downward. By holding utility profits constant irrespective of sales, volume becomes irrelevant.
Government control of markets.
(Page 11) Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) are a tool states can use to require utilities to increase their use of renewable energy sources over time, thus creating a stable market for renewable energy in the state. ... A Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) establishes a minimum content of renewable fuel that refiners must blend with traditional gasoline.
Worker owned rural collectives.
(Page 15) As the cost of agricultural inputs continues to rise and prices of commodities fall, farmers need ways generate more revenue. Instead of only growing and selling commodities, many farmers have formed agricultural cooperatives to process crops and return added value to producers, rather than leaving these profits to middlemen.
Government control of land use.
(Page 30) Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is a style of development that makes walking, bicycling, or taking transit a desirable mode of transportation. More than simply building near rail stations, TOD requires careful consideration of the mix of homes, shops, offices, parks and other land uses, the layout of these land uses, and the design of the physical environment.
Government control of permissible energy use.
(Page 35) The most common energy bond strategy is to couple efficiency retrofits, which yield quick and sizable cost savings, with renewable projects that take longer to pay off, but work toward the long-term goal of weaning America off fossil fuel. Combining these projects under one bond allows states to meet two goals — decreased energy use and a stronger renewable energy infrastructure — and still enjoy a relatively short payback period.
Wage Control.
(Page 38) Job Quality Standards most commonly take two forms: wage standards and mandates for employer-provided healthcare. … Under wage standards, employers must pay the going market rate to employees. The rate can be tied to the state or regional median or average wage, or to the prevailing wage in a particular industry.
Investing pension funds in “government-owned infrastructure”.
(Page 37) One emerging approach is to invest this pension money into energy efficiency and renewable energy programs for government-owned infrastructure. Energy savings resulting from these infrastructure upgrades are then used to repay the capital costs of the programs, plus an investment fee to the pension funds. Once the program has been paid off, the state receives revenue in the form of decreased energy costs.
What is the technical definition of pension fund looting? Control land use and control energy use and wages and profits in the cities, and let communes flourish in the farmlands required to feed those cities. This is all fancy new wrapping around some discredited old theories.