Thursday, April 20, 2006

You Don't Choose the Crook

I sometimes wonder if the Capital Times Editorial Board has simply stopped trying to engage in reasoning. A nominee for the most simple minded “editorial” of 2006.

Green Sides with Doyle: U.S. Rep. Mark Green, the Republican challenger to Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, has chosen a novel approach to the race. Instead of trying to distinguish himself from Doyle on taxes, he is trying to position himself as a carbon copy of the incumbent.

When Doyle ran for governor four years ago, he broke with fellow Democrats to advance a no-new-taxes pledge. Since his election, Doyle has held to that pledge, making deep cuts in state programs and laying off state employees at a far more aggressive rate than previous governors.

Now, Green says that if voters choose him over Doyle, he will maintain the incumbent's no-new-taxes pledge.

Green's big announcement raises the obvious question: Why bother changing governors if the challenger's prime promise is to govern as the incumbent already does?

The answer is when a good person and a crook offer to do the same job, you don’t choose the crook.