Sunday, April 02, 2006

A Choice Between Slogan and Solution

Do Wisconsin citizens want a slogan or a solution the violent threat of Islam? Engaging a world problem is difficult and dangerous and frustrating and slow. Disengaging solves nothing, but that is the goal of the collective Troops Home Groups.
Troops Home Slogan: It will be useful to our objective - getting the Troops Home Resolution adopted April 4 - to narrow the messaging to the very briefest possible terms (sound-bite, slogan, mantra), so as to be very digestible and persuasive to large numbers of voters. We then get as many people as we can, using as many venues as we have, to hammer that mantra until we're blue in the face from now until April (and until November, and throughout 2007, and all the way to 2008, and beyond if necessary).
The Dane County Democratic Party appears to be actively orchestrating this taxpayer funded polling as Secretary Rick Scollon explains.
Troops Home News: On the referendum issue: No one I know in the Bring Our Troops Home movement believes for one second winning the Yes vote April 4 will instantly produce a hasty retreat from Iraq. What it does do is invites average citizens who otherwise feel helpless in such circumstances to voice an opinion as to whether they want more war or less war.
I don’t believe that Wisconsin school teachers, government clerks, union workers and veterans agree with the subordination of women and oppression of gay individuals in the Islamic world, nor the submission of all freedoms to religious authority. The truth is that the armed and financed forces we are confronting in Afghanistan and Iraq are a danger to the values we cherish, and criticism of imperfection is as empty of content as it is easy and emotional to spew.
Critical Mass Proves Elusive for American Peace Activists: “Even as popular support for the war has gone down, the big question is still unanswered: What should we do?” he said. “The problem for the peace activists is that if you are going to be taken seriously, you need to offer a substantive alternative.”

Even ardent activists such as Jill Bussiere, a Green Party worker who organized the petition that put the “Bring our troops home” question on the ballot in her town of Kewaunee, worry that an immediate pullout could leave Iraq spiralling into an even-worse cycle of violence. “I wish I knew for sure what the right thing to do is,” she said in a telephone interview.
Vote your intelligence not your emotions. Vote No to Cut and Run Tuesday.