Thursday, March 30, 2006

Socialist Self Dissection

It is worth notice when the intellectual left decide to dissect themselves, and who better than a Jewish academic philosopher and linguist like Britain’s Shalom Lappin. Take for example: “substituting one shrill opinion for its opposite for the purpose of promoting an unchanging Manichean agenda is a mark neither of insight nor of serious judgement”, commenting on iconic progressive Noam Chomsky.

One big problem with being a Jewish liberal is that the focus of the radical left is so fervently anti-American in specific and anti-Western in general, it is leading the historical anti-capitalist movement to side with the enemies of Israel.
Anti-Semitism in the UK: In pursuing this route, the radical left has largely abandoned progressive working class politics in favour of a politics of culture and identity focussed on the anti-Western agenda of Islamism. Rather than supporting democrats, labour unionists, feminists, and anti-racists within the Muslim communities of Britain this part of the left has chosen to embrace Islamism as a potent form of anti-imperialism. In so doing they have produced a new socialism of fools. … Given the lack of credibility currently enjoyed by secular leftwing ideologies in most of the Islamic world, this appears to be a clear case of political opportunism driven by ideological bankruptcy.
Lappin is a devote insider within the theoretical circles of socialist thought, writing with perfect sincerity that the establishment of the American, Canadian and Australian nations are the fruit of ethnic cleansing the native populations. He does, however, present a remarkable analysis of how the Marxist commitment to empower the working class and elevate the lives of those who survive by their labor has been sidetracked by the globalization of financial capital and an irrational distain for free markets.
How Class Disappeared From Western Politics: With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the transformation of China into a super-animated, market-driven country, and the disintegration of secular third world nationalist movements in Africa and Asia, militant political Islam emerged as the most potent anti-Western ideology around. Faced with the choice of redefining their ideas in light of current realities or sustaining anti-imperialism as their focus, much of the radical left opted to embrace jihadism as the new incarnation of third world revolution, even while muttering formulaic misgivings over the religio-political project of the jihadists.
When the focus of the left shifted from the goal of improving the lives of ordinary people to simple opposition of western wealth and values, it blinded them to the reality they are providing support to an equally active global movement. A movement that promotes homophobia, the subordination of women, the justifiable killing of innocents and the unchallengeable authority of religion. The far left is so wrong that even the core left is concerned.