Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Brazilian Popcorn Formulas

During a break the discussion turns to sharing a bag of popcorn and I make the point that popcorn should always be divided by volume and not by weight. Dividing by weight can stick you with all the old maids. It was implied that I was taking popcorn way to seriously. Not true at all. This is taking popcorn way to seriously:
Combining Abilities of Popcorn Populations: Material and Methods: We considered the experimental assessment of N populations, their N(N - 1)/2 F1 hybrids, obtained from the crossing of those populations in a diallel system, and the selfed parental populations. The phenotypic means in the diallel table can be defined as follows (Viana, 2000b):

Yjj = M•• + 2gj + sjj +
Yjj' = M•• + gj + gj' + sjj' +
YjjF = M•• + 2gj + sjj + djF +

where Yjj, Yjj' and YjjF are, respectively, the means of the jth population, of the hybrid between the jth and j'th populations, and of the n times selfed jth population (j, j' = 1, ..., N); M•• = mi + (2 - 1)ai + 2(1 - )di is the diallel mean; gj = (pij - )[ai +(1 - 2)di] is the GCA effect of the jth population; sjj = 2{(pij - ) + (pij - ) - [pijpij' - ()]}di is the SCA effect of the jth and jth populations; djF = -2F(pij - )di is the alteration in the genotypic mean of the jth population due to n generations of selfing, where F = 1 - (1/2)n is the inbreeding coefficient; , ' and are the errors associated to observations Yjj, Yjj' and YjjF, respectively.
The expansion volume (EV = popcorn volume/grain weight) of the populations was assessed in a Hot Air Popcorn Pumper H7340 (1,250 W; 60 Hz) from Proctor Silex.” I guess West Bend didn’t dish up the grant money for this research.