Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Fair Warning: Socialized Health Threat

It is the first official day of Summer and while most Wisconsin residents are relaxing on a warm workday evening, there are activists working on a plan to impose a very bad health care plan on every single individual living in the State. The website is up and running with the details. Everyone in Wisconsin should take this movement very seriously.

Wisconsin Health Care For All: “Universal health-care coverage in Wisconsin: It's not just a dream. … After considerable legal, economic and political study, we have endorsed a "provide-or-pay" plan for Wisconsin. Non-insuring businesses are required to either provide coverage, or contribute to a fund that buys coverage for their employees.”

“The strategy: We invite you to join us in a two-year push to achieve health care for all in Wisconsin. We will work with members of the Madison City Council to create a model law for Madison. Then we will move on to other local governments around the state.”

Brochure Page One (PDF): “Our Goal: Health Insurance for every person in Wisconsin because Health Insurance = Health Care. … By law employers will either provide insurance for their employees or pay their local government to provide an affordable comprehensive plan. Everyone must have health insurance.”

Brochure Page Two (PDF): “It's cost effective. Everyone is covered. Sharing the cost of health care among the well and sick, young and old saves money. … Local governments in Wisconsin have the authority to pass "provide or pay" group plans. These plans will attract insurance companies. We will work with local governments to see that all Wisconsinites benefit from universal health care. We can do this job one local government at a time.”
Point 1: Health Insurance does not equal Health Care. This is a deliberate phrase being used to create a false impression with the public. An object or a service is not the same thing as the price paid for that object or service. Care means diagnosis and treatment. Insurance means someone else pays most of the cost of diagnosis and treatment.

Point 2: The only mandatory requirement for hiring individuals is paying for the work performed under State and Federal Guidelines. The goal of this movement is to create a second mandatory financial obligation on all employers regardless of size.

Point 3: U.S. Citizens are currently free to pay their own health care debts and only their own health care debts. The phrase “everyone must have health insurance” means this freedom is abolished. This design imposes a mandatory obligation on an individual to pay the medical bills of strangers.

Point 4: Health Insurance does not reduce the cost of health care. Health Insurance divides the total cost of health care among a pool of individuals, regardless of who created the expenses. The inflation in health care pricing is in large part due precisely to the fact that insurance has blunted competitive market forces.

Point 5: The dollar volume of expenses an individual incurs is significantly dependent on the choices that individual makes. Keep in mind how the City of Madison has already demonized smokers precisely because of potential health effects.

Point 6: This people behind this movement are intelligent and serious about achieving their goals. More importantly they are absolutely correct that Wisconsin municipal governments have the right to enact and enforce this type of socialist control over municipal residents and business operations. The courts will not override an ordinance of this design.