Sunday, June 19, 2005

Driving Will Continue In The Future

The Socialist – Progressive movement in the United States is to a large degree dependent on convincing voters the American way of life is neither sustainable nor safe for the environment. I believe they are wrong on both counts. A foundation eco-socialist belief is that the world is running out of oil, and therefore, oil based economies, especially the United States, will contract dramatically or collapse entirely. The progressive leadership’s hatred of capitalist organizations appears to blind them to the reality that the laws of physics still apply, and human imagination allowed to explore the universe will create solutions that preserve political and economic freedom.

Kudos’ to UW Madison Professor James Dumesic and the Dumesic Research Group for doing true science with measurable and reproducible results, and unlimited potential for sustaining the quality of life our ancestors fought and worked to provide us. The following two articles cover the innovative research, and the key point to understand is that it is possible to economically produce liquid fuel, so there is no reason to fear fictional horror stories the left is selling.

New Green Diesel: “University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering researchers have discovered a new way to make a diesel-like liquid fuel from carbohydrates commonly found in plants. … The fuel produced contains 90 percent of the energy found in the carbohydrate and hydrogen feed. If you look at a carbohydrate source such as corn, our new process has the potential to create twice the energy as is created in using corn to make ethanol."

Process Increases Biodiesel Efficiency: “The researchers' method converts biomass into liquid alkanes within a self-sustained refinery. Alkanes are hydrocarbons. The simplest is methane. More complex alkanes are the main components of gasoline. … The conversion process has the potential to allow domestically-available biomass to become part of the solution to the United States' current dependence on fossil fuels, according to Dumesic.”

Computer generated projections are not science. Cherry picking and analyzing only favorable data is not science. Calling yourself a scientist does not necessarily make your work scientific. When trained activists pontificate about peak oil, simply ask them so what?