Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Coming Skirmish in the Larger Battle

Last evening a small roomful of people gathered in a Monona, Wisconsin restaurant to be aroused into action. Kevin Pomeroy, Planning Director of 1000 Friends of Wisconsin is present to outline the strategy and tactics for fighting off Wal-Mart. In his own words: "My presentation is intended to be provocative. I'm an advocate," Pomeroy said. "I'm painted throughout the state as anti-Wal-Mart and I'm proud of it."

1000 Friends of Wisconsin is a self-defined advocacy group that incorporates multiple lines of liberal thinking and distills them concisely into the slogan on their homepage: Perfecting the Places We Live and Protecting the Places We Don’t. There is so much blog talk about the lack of an expressed Democratic Party agenda for the country, but there is one and it is black and white. People need to live in cities where they can be lovingly and effectively governed and the countryside becomes a nature preserve. Consider the summation goal of their Mission Statement.
“AND A WISCONSIN WHERE all citizens recognize their responsibility to contribute to their communities and the well being of the state and nation, and do so in ways that balance self-interest with an obligation to the common good and future generations.”
What is expected of citizens? 1. Contribute to their community (government). 2. Fulfill their obligation to the community (government). The fact that the socialists hate Wal-Mart is not news and this coming scuffle in Monona is merely another skirmish in the ongoing struggle to preserve and expand citizen liberty. Monona is a small town adjacent to Madison and they should be concerned when Madison interests attempt to control the design of their community.