Saturday, April 09, 2005

Biomass Collection Day

Based on personal observation, it appears today is spring yard work day, or since this is Madison, discarded biomass collection, concentration and redistribution day. Every time I rake up leaves and trim back plants, I’m amazed at how well photosynthesis works, taking carbon dioxide, water and solar energy and creating the organic building blocks that form the structural basis of life.

Interestingly, both carbon dioxide and water naturally tend to absorb thermal infrared energy which may explain why photosynthesis utilizes these molecules rather than silicon dioxide and calcium. A fundamental tenet of chemistry is that it takes energy to produce chemical change and it may be helpful if the molecules have a “natural” ability to capture energy. Perhaps this is why I have a problem in calling one of the building blocks of life a “pollutant” in the atmosphere. Futhermore if carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant because it can absorb energy, then why isn’t water vapor an even greater danger to the planet?

I wonder if anyone asked that question to the world’s first environmentally friendly carwash wash when Easy wash had its grand opening this week. Investors please note it is not too late to get in on the ground floor.