Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Ethics of Face Transplants

A quick tour around the blogsphere makes it clear that the problems of the day are getting sufficiently proper posting attention. On television, the talking heads are tossing numbers back and forth believing, based on deductive reasoning, that sticks and stones can break some bones so numbers might do brain damage. It’s those damn words that are always so ineffectual at smiting the other side. It is a quiet Tuesday evening in Madison so there is time to search for the problems of tomorrow.

Casting about for potential candidates to be the next great crisis I discover to my delight, The Ethics of Face Transplants. To quote: “Some of the issues raised in the paper include society’s inability to deal with the unusual, concerns about confidentiality and maintaining anonymity of the recipient or donor.” How do you recruit a facial transplant donor? Should we have a regional or national facial transplant registry? Most importantly, how can the medical establishment help American society find the ability to deal with the bizarre?